How fertilizers are made

Let's talk about how different types of fertilizers are made:

  1. Nitrogen Fertilizers:

    These are made using a process invented over 100 years ago. Here's how it works:

    • Nitrogen is taken from the air.
    • The nitrogen is mixed with hydrogen from natural gas, coal (in the traditional process) or renewable energy sources.
    • This mixture is heated and squeezed to make a substance called ammonia.
    • The ammonia is then turned into different types of nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Phosphorus Fertilizers:

    These are made from rock that is dug out of the ground. Here's how:

    • Phosphate rock is mined from within the earth.
    • The rock is mixed with a strong acid.
    • This separates out the phosphorus to produce phosphoric acid, which is then used to make different fertilizers.
  3. Potassium Fertilizers:

    These also come from the ground. Here's how:

    • A mineral called potash is mined from within the earth.
    • It is cleaned and processed.
    • It is then formed into small pellets that can be easily used by plants.

Each of these fertilizers provides different nutrients that plants need to grow.


IFA website – How are fertilizers made?

Responsible Production

The International Fertilizer Association (IFA) has established 12 Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Principles that all its members have adopted. These principles aim to ensure responsible and sustainable practices in the fertilizer industry:

  1. Leadership: Demonstrate commitment to SHE issues in all aspects of operations.
  2. Zero Harm: Strive for no harm to people and the environment.
  3. Priority: Integrate SHE issues into corporate policy with utmost importance.
  4. Resources: Allocate adequate financial and human resources for continuous SHE improvement.
  5. Law Compliance: Adhere to local and international SHE laws and best practices.
  6. Performance: Set and improve annual SHE objectives and targets.
  7. Procedure: Establish controls to safeguard SHE at all times.
  8. Competence: Ensure proper training and encourage staff participation in SHE matters.
  9. Enhancement: Use risk assessment to continually improve SHE standards.
  10. Auditing: Implement SHE management systems subject to internal and external audits.
  11. Information: Share SHE experiences and lessons within the industry.
  12. Responsibility: Promote SHE to enhance the industry's social responsibility and accountability.

These principles reflect the fertilizer industry's commitment to maintaining high standards of safety, health, and environmental protection throughout their operations, from production to distribution and sales.


IFA website - Members’ Commitments

IFA website – Industry Stewardship Champions

IFA website – Protect & Sustain Certification

IFA website – IFA Benchmarks

IFA website – Safety & Security

Sustainable mining

Sustainable mining of mineral fertilizers involves responsibly extracting the essential raw materials that are used to make fertilizers (phosphate and potassium) from the earth. A sustainable approach ensures a stable supply of fertilizers for global food security while minimizing environmental impact and supporting local communities. At its core, sustainable mining emphasizes environmental stewardship by reducing habitat disruption, lowering carbon emissions, and conserving biodiversity.

Companies focus on efficient energy use and water recycling to minimize land disturbance during the mining process. Community engagement is crucial; responsible companies collaborate with local communities to protect livelihoods and ecosystems. They invest in infrastructure and education while upholding fair labor practices. Looking ahead, sustainable mining addresses the finite nature of minerals by exploring alternative nutrient sources and developing efficient fertilizers.

Companies also commit to rehabilitating mining sites after operations cease, by turning the old mining areas into farmland, forests, or renewable energy sites. By using modern technologies like automation and energy-efficient equipment, sustainable mining reduces waste and environmental degradation. As the global population grows, this balanced approach ensures healthy soils and abundant harvests for future generations.


Infographic – Sustainable Fertilizer Production

Circular economy

In a circular economy, the goal is to recover and re-use nutrients from many sources of waste, to increase the efficiency of the nutrients as they are used, and to reduce losses of nutrients to the environment.

Let’s talk about a material called phosphogypsum, or PG for short. It is a by-product of phosphate fertilizer production. In the past, companies thought PG was just waste. They would pile it up on land or spread it around, not knowing what else to do with it.

But now, things have changed. Scientists and other experts have found out that PG can actually be useful. Because of this, many countries have changed their rules to allow PG to be used in different ways. So, instead of creating piles of PG, fertilizer companies are now finding ways to reuse it. They are turning millions of tons of what used to be waste into useful products.

For example:

  1. PG can be used as a fertilizer itself or a soil conditioner, adding important nutrients to soil or improving soils’ properties.
  2. It can be made into plaster or wallboard for building houses.
  3. It can even be used to make roads!

Different countries have different rules about PG, but in many places where it’s produced – like Brazil, Canada, China, India, Russia, Morocco, and Belgium – people are working hard to find new ways to use it.

This is a big change that’s helping to reduce waste and create new, useful products from something that used to be discarded.


Infographic – How the Fertilizer Industry is Reusing Phosphogypsum

IFA website – Nutrient Recycling and Circular Economy

What is fertilizer?

Think of fertilizers as food for plants. Just like humans need different nutrients to grow and stay healthy, plants need nutrients too. Fertilizers can be organic, coming from sources such as manure or compost, or they can be manufactured.

Fertilizers are different from pesticides, which protect against pests and diseases. To compare this with humans, fertilizers are similar to food and pesticides are similar to medicines.

Plants get some of what they need from the air and water around them. But there are other important nutrients they can't always get enough of from the soil alone. That's where fertilizers come in.

The main nutrients that plants need to grow are:

These are the main three nutrients – or ‘macronutrients’ – that plants need most. But there are also other macronutrients that plants use in smaller amounts. These include sulphur, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron, among others.

Fertilizers are really important for growing food. They help farmers grow more food on the same amount of land. In fact, about half of all the food we eat today was grown with the help of fertilizers.

So, when you're enjoying your fruits, vegetables, or grains, remember that fertilizers played a big part in helping those plants grow strong and healthy. They're a key part of how we produce enough food to feed everyone.


IFA website – What are fertilizers?

Infographic: 19 Plant Nutrients For Improving and Protecting Plant Health

Issue brief

More efficient fertilizer use

Let's talk about how farmers use fertilizers in the best way possible. The main goal is to give plants exactly what they need, when they need it, with minimum wastage of fertilizer.

To do this, farmers practice something called ‘nutrient stewardship’. It's a smart way of using fertilizers that's based on science.

There are four main ideas to remember:

  1. Right Type:
    This means choosing the right kind of fertilizer for each crop. Different plants need different nutrients, in the same way that humans and animals need different foods to stay healthy.
  2. Right Amount:
    This is about using just enough fertilizer. Too little won't help the plants grow well, but too much can be wasteful and potentially harmful to the environment.
  3. Right Time:
    This involves adding fertilizer at the time when the plant needs it most.
  4. Right Place:
    This means keeping the fertilizer where the plants can easily use it.

By following this ‘4R’ approach, farmers can grow healthy crops while taking care of the environment. It's all about being smart and efficient with how we use fertilizers to grow our food.


Infographic: Introduction to crop NUE

IFA website – Application Emissions

IFA / Systemiq Reducing Emissions from Fertilizer Use report

SPRPN Issue Brief – Furthering 4R Nutrient Stewardship

Reducing emissions from fertilizer production

The fertilizer industry is working hard to become more environmentally friendly while still producing enough fertilizer to feed the world's growing population.

Making nitrogen fertilizers has some environmental impacts. The production of ammonia, a chemical used in the manufacturing of many fertilizer products, is responsible for about 1.3% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions.

Fertilizer companies are taking this problem seriously. They're measuring their environmental footprint and finding ways to reduce it. They've already made some improvements, but they know more changes are needed to really make a difference.

The industry is teaming up with energy experts, technology innovators and investors to discover new ways of making fertilizers that minimize pollution. They're testing new technologies that use renewable energy or capture greenhouse gases before they can harm the environment. However, these innovative methods are still being developed and can be expensive. The industry needs support from governments, scientists, and other groups to make change happen, faster and at scale.

Despite the challenges, the industry is committed to creating a more sustainable future while playing its part in ensuring global food security.


Path to Sustainable Farming: Low-Carbon Ammonia Revolution

How the fertilizer industry is reducing nitrogen pollution

Soil health

Taking good care of soil nutrients is important for healthy farming. It's like giving the soil the right food to help it stay strong and productive. When we manage nutrients well, the soil becomes more fertile, holds more organic matter (which is like food for the soil itself), and becomes healthier in many ways.

Farming experts usually suggest starting with nutrient sources from the farm itself, like compost or animal manure. Then, if needed, farmers can add mineral fertilizers to help crops grow better and become more productive. It's often best to integrate both organic and mineral forms of nutrients.

If farmers don't use enough fertilizer, or use the wrong mix, it can harm the soil. As soil loses its nutrients, it becomes less healthy and can even start to wash away more easily when it rains. But when farmers use fertilizer efficiently and effectively, it helps the soil stay healthier over time.

Mineral fertilizers are important for growing enough food to feed everyone. They can help or harm the soil, depending on how they're used. The key is to use them wisely, based on scientific knowledge. This helps nutrients to be used efficiently and it keeps the soil in better condition.

Remember, taking care of soil nutrients is just one part of good farming. It goes hand in hand with choosing the right crops, dealing with pests, using water wisely, and taking care of the land in general. All these practices together help farmers grow food while also protecting the environment.


Soil Health Animated video

How Fertilizers Help Protect and Capture Soil Organic Carbon

Issue brief

Science & Innovation

The fertilizer industry is working hard to become more sustainable, and fertilizer companies know they can't do it alone. That's why they're teaming up with innovative companies in agriculture technology that help farmers grow food in smarter, greener ways.

In 2021, the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) created a program called Smart & Green. This program helps share new ideas about feeding plants and connects fertilizer companies with innovative startups. These ideas include making fertilizers with a lower carbon footprint or use them in a more circular way, creating novel products, and using microorganisms to help plants better utilize nutrients from the air and the soil.

The fertilizer industry is also creating products to help farmers use nutrients more efficiently. Some of these products release nutrients more slowly, matching what plants need as they grow. Others can be mixed with water for application with irrigation water, which enhances the use efficiency of both water and nutrients. Innovative biostimulants could help plants become more resistant to stress (e.g. drought).

Farmers are also using technology, like computers, smartphones and sensors, to help them know exactly when and where to add fertilizer. This approach, referred to as precision farming, helps farmers to use just the right amount of fertilizer at the right time and place, which is good for both the crops and the environment.

All these efforts - working with startups, creating special products, and using new technology - are helping the fertilizer industry become more sustainable. They're finding ways to grow more food while taking better care of our planet.


IFA website – Innovation

Global trade

The fertilizer industry plays a big role in global agriculture and food production. Here’s a simple explanation of how it works:

  1. What the industry does:
    The fertilizer industry manufactures, sells, and distributes significant quantities of plant nutrients every year. These nutrients help plants grow better and produce more food.
  2. Global scale:
    This industry operates all around the world. Companies in different countries produce different fertilizers, and they are used by farmers around the world. Millions of tons of these plant nutrients move around the globe each year.
  3. Keeping track:
    IFA (the International Fertilizer Association) keeps track of all this activity. IFA’s website ( provides information on how much fertilizer is being produced, traded, and used worldwide.
  4. Economic impact*:
    The fertilizer industry isn’t just about helping plants grow. It also helps the economy grow. Here’s how:
    • Sales: Companies sell fertilizers and pay taxes on their profits. In 2022, the fertilizer industry sold an estimated US$290 billion worth of plant nutrients*.
    • Jobs: The industry provides jobs for many people, from factory workers to scientists. In 2022, 1.9 million people were estimated to be employed by the global fertilizer industry*.
    • Investment: Companies put money into research and new technologies to make better fertilizers, and in growing global capacity to meet demand. In 2022, US$90 billion of capital expenditure was estimated to be underway in new capacity investment*.
  5. Global importance:
    Because fertilizers help grow more food on the same amount of land, this industry is crucial for feeding the world's growing population without cutting down additional forests. It affects farmers, food producers, and people like you in almost every country.

In simple terms, the fertilizer industry is a worldwide network of companies and activities that help feed the world sustainably by providing nutrients that make plants grow better. It connects different countries and has a significant impact on both agriculture and the global economy.


*IFA website – Fertilizer Industry by Numbers

Sustainable Fertilizer Academy

The Sustainable Fertilizer Academy is an online school for people who work with fertilizers. It helps them learn about how to make and use fertilizers in ways that are more sustainable.

The Academy offers 34 different classes that people can take. The great thing about it being online is that students can learn at their own pace and fit the classes into their work schedule. The Academy is split into two main levels:

  1. The first level is introductory, covering the fundamental concepts of producing and applying fertilizers responsibly.
  2. The second level is intermediate and more technical, with two areas of focus:
    One area explores environment-friendly fertilizer production methods, while the other area focuses on efficient fertilizer use on farms, promoting healthy plant growth while minimizing waste and reducing environmental impact.

By taking these classes, students learn about various approaches the fertilizer industry is taking towards greater sustainability.


Sustainable Fertilizer Academy

IFA website SFA pages


The fertilizer industry recognizes that biodiversity - the diversity of life on Earth - is crucial for people's health and the planet's future. They understand that action is needed to stop the ongoing loss of biodiversity.

To help with this, the industry is supporting the Global Biodiversity Framework. Its intention is to use existing scientific methods better and develop new ones to protect nature. This includes understanding how making and using fertilizers affects plants, animals, and ecosystems.

The industry is taking a step-by-step approach. After identifying how fertilizers impact nature, they're taking actions to protect biodiversity.

Using too much or too little fertilizer can harm ecosystems. To address these issues, the industry is focusing on improving the use of existing solutions, developing new, innovative ones, and partnering with other industries and stakeholder organizations. The goal is to find ways to grow enough food for everyone while protecting the environment and the world’s biodiversity.


IFA website – Biodiversity

Biodiversity Position Paper

Issue brief

Water management

The fertilizer industry is working to address two important global challenges: growing enough food for everyone and protecting water resources.

These goals are closely connected because farming needs both water and fertilizers to produce food, but poor water management and over- or under-use of fertilizers can harm the environment.

Fertilizer companies are trying to improve water management within their operations by recycling water in ‘closed-loop’ systems, using onsite treatment and processing, especially in areas that experience water stress such as drought. They are also implementing prevention measures to stop water contamination. Some companies have also established wetlands around their sites. This helps to ensure the water they release is filtered naturally before returning to major waterways.

As the world's population grows and climate change affects weather patterns, farmers also need to find ways to grow more food using less water and plant nutrients. This is called ‘sustainable agricultural intensification’. It's about producing more food with less resource consumption.

Currently, farming uses about 70% of all the freshwater from rivers, lakes, and underground sources. At the same time, farmers use about 200 million tonnes of nutrients each year, to help crops grow. The challenge is to use both water and fertilizers more efficiently.

When water and fertilizers are used together in the right way, they can actually help each other work better. For example, having enough water helps plants absorb nutrients from fertilizers more effectively. On the other hand, plants with the right nutrients can use water more efficiently.

There are new farming methods that can help use both water and fertilizers more wisely. These include:

The biggest challenge now is to teach farmers about these new methods and encourage them to use them. This requires cooperation between farmers, scientists, the fertilizer industry, and government agencies.

By using water and fertilizers more efficiently, we can grow more food while protecting our environment. This is crucial for feeding the world's growing population in a sustainable way.


Infographic - How Fertigation Enhances Water Productivity, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Farmer Incomes

Human Nutrition

The fertilizer industry is changing its approach to farming. In the past, it mainly focused on helping farmers grow more crops. Now, it’s also trying to make sure the food we grow is more nutritious and healthy.

Just like people need different vitamins and minerals to stay healthy, plants need different nutrients to grow well.

While the fertilizer industry used to focus on nutrients to help plants grow bigger, they're now paying more attention to growing healthier food. As they now include many more nutrients, the aim of ‘nutrition-sensitive agriculture’ is to grow a variety of nutritious foods and to ensure crops have all the nutrients they need to meet that objective.

This is important because many people around the world don't get enough of certain essential nutrients in their diets, which can lead to health issues. The fertilizer industry is asking governments to help farmers grow a wider variety of crops (especially pulses, fruits and vegetables) and to make staple foods (like rice or wheat) more nutritious in areas where people don't get enough good food. They're also looking at how to make animal feed more nutritious, which can lead to healthier meat and dairy products.

Overall, the fertilizer industry is trying to help farmers grow food that's more nutritious and healthy for people to eat, by adding micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and iodine to manufactured fertilizers. They're recognizing that the health of soil, plants, and people are all connected, and they're working to improve all three.


Global Fertilizer Day 2023 video

IFA website – Human Nutrition

Issue brief

Food and Nutrition Security

Fertilizers play a crucial role in growing the food we eat. In fact, about half of all the food produced worldwide is grown with the help of fertilizers. Indeed, thanks to fertilizers, farmers can grow more crops on the same amount of land, which is becoming increasingly important as the world population grows.

Currently, there’s a big challenge in making sure everyone has enough nutritious food to eat. Nearly 690 million people around the world don’t have enough food, and about 2 billion people don’t get all the vitamins and minerals they need from their diet.

As the world population is expected to reach almost 10 billion people by 2050, we’ll need to produce about 50% more food than we do now. The fertilizer industry believes that one of the best ways to do this is by growing more food on the land we’re already using for farming, rather than cutting down forests to make new farmland. This approach is called “sustainable intensification”.

But it’s not just about growing more food – it’s also about growing healthier food. Fertilizers can help make crops more nutritious by adding important elements like zinc, iodine, and selenium to the soil. These elements are then taken up by the plants and can help address nutrient deficiencies in people who eat those crops.

The fertilizer industry is supporting research to better understand how fertilizers affect the nutritional quality of food and how they improve human health. In essence, fertilizers are an important tool in the global effort to produce enough nutritious food for everyone while also protecting our environment.


IFA website – Why we need fertilizers: Food and Nutrition Security

How Fertilizers are Made
Responsible Production
Sustainable Mining
Circular Economy
What is Fertilizer
Efficient Fertilizer Use
Reducing Product Emissions
Soil Health
Science & Innovation
Global Trade
Sustainable Fertilizer Academy
Water Management
Human Nutrition
Food & Nutrition Security
Pan to explore